Staff’s Harry Potter Trivia Night

Thursday, December 13 2018

Our staff had a fun and magical night at their Harry Potter themed Trivia on Halloween Eve this year!

L4Life's Staff Harry Potter Trivia Night

The Learning For Life Autism Centre’s kitchen and car park was transformed into Hogwarts and Platform 9 and ¾.

Moaning Myrtle was hiding in the bathroom and the ‘fat lady’ was guarding the front door. Firstly, we had nibbles and an opportunity for staff to catch up and get to know each other, everyone brought Harry Potter or Halloween themed treats including eye ball punch, potions, monster book sausage rolls and Harry’s birthday cake! The staff were then sorted into the houses, with head prefects leading the teams. There were a few rounds of trivia, followed by a game of ‘Quidditch’. The competition was fierce, but remained friendly! There were prizes for best dressed and the trivia winners. With over 20 of our wonderful Harry-Potter crazed staff there, it was a great turnout. Overall it was a fantastic night with high staff morale.

Thanks Erin, a supervisor and our Chief Happiness Officer, for organising a great night – you all looked amazing with your spooky and creative costumes!